Our mission is to build a community where skaters can learn and grow. JVFSC seeks to promote figure skating in SW Missouri.
JVFSC offers 2-3 test sessions a year, hosts a competition each March, holds several club ice sessions each year and a variety of social events for skaters throughout the year.
JVFSC has members from a wide range of ages and skill levels. If you are interested in skating, we'd love to have you as a member!
President; Christine Wilson jvfsclub@gmail.com
Vice-President: Madison Moritz
Secretary: Candace Little
Treasurer: Harley Hamlett
Past President: Taleyna Morris
Test Chair: Natasha Longpine (jvfsctestchair@gmail.com)
Competition Chair: Taleyna Morris (jvfscompetition@gmail.com)
Fundraising Chair: Open
Membership Chair: Crystal Kovach
Compliance Chair: Christine Wilson
Board members: Brenda Haik (2022-2025), Hilda Holiday (2023-2026), Susan Haralson (2023-2026) and Monica Morgan (2024-2027)
635 E. Traffficway St., Springfield MO 65806